Recently I Relocated to Staten Island NY
I been trying to get everything moved from Texas to NY and now finely it's done we are all settling in now but no sooner than we get back to NY with our last load and our motor home we all came down with the flue. the move alone was crazy we sold allot of stuff so we only had to move one Haul Load and what we packed up into the motor home. We have pets so being that the trip was going to be a day and half if we drove all the way threw witch we did we only stop for gas and to stretch out and let the pets get a run in LOL.
I am at the doctors now waiting for the doctor to see me over this flue. Soon as I get feeling better I will start videos and blogging back again from our new home. Everyone is asking why I moved well my work takes all over and I travel allot out of the country and it never fails as I leave out the country and come back I always have to pass threw NY, and Detroit, Michigan ware I was born and raised. The logic of it was better for me to make home base in NY I am for one allot closer to home Detroit so I can fly or hop in the motor home and go see my family and handle business at the same time. I will be doing allot of videos that are at my primary home Detroit and my secondarily home NY. In the mist of all of this allot of my work for this new year is based out of Staten and Detroit so this will be allot let long travels for me.
I am very excited about everything ,I am looking forwarded for all the new things coming. I wanted to update everyone whats going and to expect some new blog post and videos coming up. Just have to shake this flue off ...
I Love you all Lots of Love and HUGZ!!!!