Reviews By EsteeDarla

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Colombian Con Man by the name of Luis Carlos Bautista Duran


Colombian Con Man by the name of

Luis Carlos Bautista Duran

Picture Taken in 2017

Picture Taken in 2017

Picture Taken in 2017

Popeye Supporters DO NOT give any money to a Colombian Con Man by name of Luis Carlos Bautista Duran he is running scams on Popeye's name and making forged letters of Thank You like they are from Mateo. This is a SCAM he is also showing items he took pictures of in his brief few days around Popeye when he was alive he says he is selling Popeye's YouTube plaques and, religious items, a book he says Popeye gave him signed by him(Popeye) and Pablo Escobar, another book he had made on the black market that is a book wrote by Popeye himself and a lady name (Jhon Jairo Velásquez: My Life as a Hitman by Pablo Escobar (Author), Maritza Neila Wills Fontecha (Contributor)) he had the front cover look exactly the same but had his name as Author Luis Carlos Bautista Duran put in place of Popey and Maritaz name was) He is also running scams showing Pablo Escobar's grave trying saying it is Popeyes grave and he is raising money for a new headstone and flowers, another came under Popeyes name he is running is raising money for the shantytown kids, in a soccer team he calls Popeyes soccer team and says Popeye has a school for kids in his name. THIS IS ALL A SCAM NO ONE IN POPEYES FAMILY OR PABLO'S FAMILY is any part of this. These are just some of many many many scams this Luis Carlos Bautista Duran has pulled. He will very quickly after he gets you to send money try to delete your conversations in text messages, and on social media messages. If you have been scammed by him please contact me. Again Mateo, nor anyone else in Popeye's Family or Pablo Escobars family have anything to do with any of this. Luis Carlos Bautista Duran is taking advantage of getting old pictures he took with popeye to con people. Popeye and Luis Carlos Bautista Duran had fell out with in days of the pictures being taken with him (Popeye), because people told Popeye about these scams he was doing with his name when he was alive. Since Popeye died Luis Carlos Bautista Duran added much more scams to the list. #colombianconman #luiscarlosbautistaDuran #scams #FraudAlert